Continued working on the ailerons tonight. Drilled, deburred, dimpled, scuffed and primed the nose ribs, hinge brackets and end ribs, as well as riveting each subassembly together. Meanwhile, Sarah got to work on cutting out the 32 stiffeners from their aluminum angle strips. I have to say, things are going so much faster now that we don't have to deal with proseal anymore! It's definitely a welcome change.
One thing to note with the RV-10 aileron plans: our kit shipped with "Revision: 1" ailerons, which is annotated in the bottom right corner of the aileron pages. These plans (and the parts that come with them) appear to be significantly different than the "Revision: 0" plans contained on the CD-ROM we bought containing PDF's of the plans. For sure, the main ribs and hinge bracket design is completely different, and it appears to use the same part numbers too, making things even more confusing. Furthermore, these Revision 1 plans are clearly written by a different author, and so slightly different methods and descriptions are presented for similar tasks you may have gotten used to being described in another way. Lastly, it seems that so far, all the holes are already punched out to the proper size-- no final-drilling has actually been necessary! Everything is already #40, #30, #12, or whatever size they are supposed to be. Weird.
Anyway, we got to the point where all the little nose and end ribs had their brackets riveted together, and called it a night. I'll be sure to take pics next time, there really wasn't much different tonight than in yesterday's pics except everything is primed.
Excited to be past the tanks... feels like the end of the wing kit is approaching!