Right Wing: Completed through page 14-2 step 7.
Using a few quick-clamps and 2x4's, I rigged up a way to have both spars on one table, and we can hang the ribs off the spar as we go. Should look pretty neat as it comes together!
Building the F-1029 Torque Tube Support Bracket. These attach to the inboard-most rib and help transfer movement to the ailerons.
Here is one of the three (per wing) W-1025 Flap Hinge Brackets match-drilled to the rib and clecoed into position. These are some beefy pieces!
Two more Flap Hinge Brackets
All the ribs attached to the left wing... it's a very rewarding experience to see this come together! Of course, soon it will all be torn back down for hours of deburring and priming. But still, it's a cool milestone :-)