In all seriousness, I guess you could say I'm coming around with this stuff. It really isn't THAT bad, it just takes some preparation and organization to keep the mess under control. Also, we're definitely getting into the rhythm of working together on the fuel tanks, and for the most part the assembly process is going quite smoothly. I'm still pretty nervous about leaks though, and that fear hasn't been diminished any by reading all the horror stories on the forums. I think once we finish with all the ribs and are ready to install the baffle, we'll run another fillet around all the seams and any potential leak spots just to keep our 'i's dotted and 't's crossed.
Today, this third bottle of sealant got us through the remaining R tank ribs, as well as two more ribs on the L tank. I think the fourth bottle should finish off the ribs and remaining stiffener for sure.
L tank ribs 2&3 riveted into place
R tank ribs complete!
R tank outboard end rib with fillet
R Outboard tank bay
R tank outboard end rib, from outside
We then spent the rest of the day making a Harbor Freight run for more disposable gloves, had an afternoon family birthday party, and finished off the day with a quick joyride flight to Platteville, WI and back. It was too beautiful of a day to not go up, even just for a bit.
Sort of off-topic, but had to post this here. Last night we went out for a beer with some friends after work, and Sarah's story of drilling through the tank J-stiffener into her finger came up. In order to re-enact how it happened, she improvised a tank skin and J-stiffener using a napkin and a piece of celery. Brilliant use of props!
Sarah demonstrates her technique drilling through a napkin skin and celery stiffener
Tomorrow, maybe more proseal? We'll see....