
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

We have a hangar!

Well it's been quite a little while since the last update, a lot has been going on but unfortunately very little "direct" work on the plane. I was on travel most of last week, and now this week has been filled with lots of other extracurricular events-- most of which centered around aviation though, which makes it ok, right? :-) I've also decided to do a deep-clean of the workshop before winter hits, which is likely going to continue for at least the next week or so. One bit of great news, we got our hangar lease signed tonight... woohoo!!

Our new RV-10 home at KCID!

Since we probably won't be moving the plane to the hangar until (at least) next spring, you might think this is a bit early to sign a lease and everything. Well unfortunately the way it works around here is you have to be on a waiting list (which we've been on for the better part of a year), and then when your name comes up you've gotta bite on the particular hangar that has become available or else you go back to the bottom of the list. Our name got pulled last week for this hangar while I was away, and this is one of very few "ideal" hangars that we had been hoping to get... it's one of the larger-size ones they have to offer in the price range we had, and it's insulated with electricity. So we said hey, why not, let's do it now!

Over the next few months we may move the wings out here, set up a work table or two, and hopefully install a natural gas heater (still waiting to hear back from management about that). If we can't do that we'll just use a space heater which would be fine too. Sarah is also furiously at work deciding where the sectional couch, area rug and mini-fridge will go ;-)

Other than that, we've just been cleaning and organizing in the shop, and receiving a number of packages in the mail including fuel system components, wiring, stick grips, and a bunch of other stuff. It's always fun seeing the UPS man and wondering what gifts he's bearing this time!

The next step with the plane itself will be to paint the fuselage interior, which I hope to get started on by early next week if all goes well with the garage deep-clean. Will post then with progress!

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