
Saturday, June 13, 2015

Firewall - Fwd Fuse Ribs

With summer ramping up and a few imminent plans coming up over the next couple weeks, it's going to be hard to get our daily dose of building in every day... that's ok though, productivity has always seemed to come and go in waves, and we've made it this far like that!

Today instead of getting right to priming, we skipped ahead to Section 28 and started prep-work on any of the parts that we could get ahead on. This way, we can have a larger batch of parts for priming and assembly. Also, I'm sort of procrastinating on the forward rib subassemblies, because I want to cut access hole(s) into them but am still undecided where they will go exactly. I think I want to make my own access cover for the right rib similar to the Airward one shown here, and maybe on the L side too. I had this crazy idea to fabricate a circuit breaker panel similar to what Cirrus has on the L tunnel, but we'll see. I think there will be a number of considerations that will have to be taken into account first... I haven't seen any other -10's with a breaker panel in that location so maybe it won't work. I'll delay riveting the L rib into place until we can make that determination, I suppose.

Anyway, today's work got us through page 28-3 step 3, which basically completes all the cutting, drilling, countersinking, and deburring of most of the small parts for section 28... should make for a good jumpstart on this section when we get there! Otherwise, it was mostly a day of staring at the fuse ribs and searching online to see what our options would be with these parts.

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