
Friday, May 15, 2015


Spent only maybe an hour tonight in the shop, Started with the "optional" next step which was to make lightening holes in the F-1008 spacers. I marked the three locations on just one of the four pieces and drilled a #40 pilot hole in each spot. Then I match-drilled those pilot holes to the other three spacers, and enlarged them all using a unibit on the drill press. The resulting parts look like this:

The FL-1008 spacers with lightening holes

Next we assembled the L/R center hinge subassemblies, which each contain 6 parts all sandwiched together (including the two spacers from above). Had to dig up some "Long" clecoes to be able to reach all the way through the assembly. This was the first time we used this style of clamp during the entire build so far, which was kind of cool.

Once the center hinge assemblies were together, I was able to cleco all the nose rib assemblies (1 rod end assembly, 3 hinge bracket assemblies, and 2 bare nose ribs) to the flap spar, and set the whole thing aside. I actually found that they sat nicely into their eventual homes, against the wing rear spar, so that's where they will rest tonight. Tomorrow, if there's time we'll start on the 22 ribs that need to be cut and filed!

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