
Monday, August 3, 2015

Fuse Side Skins

The end of Section 29 is getting so close I can smell it! Although, I'm not sure if we're really actually that close, or if it's just a really strong smell :-)

Continued today with riveting the side skins, and by this point I believe about 95% of all rivets in this section have been set... yay! I think we'll need one more partner session to do the R lower fuse channel and the aft bottom edges, and we should be all done with riveting through section 29-18. After that, it looks like all that's left to do is install the rear seat vents, the fwd cabin floor, the landing gear mounts, and then one last lil' rib (F-1088-L/R) that has been left out for now to keep open access to the forward floor areas.

State of current affairs:

R side skins all riveted into place, minus aft bottom edge and lower fwd section

Main area of concentration for R side skins

R side forward fuse area

Exciting times! Looking ahead in the plans, this appears to be the last "marathon" section for a little while, looking forward to some page-turning hopefully in the near future!