
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Fwd Fuse Ribs - Fuse Bottom Skin

Not much to report from today except we finished deburring and dimpling tonight! Started off completing all the edge-finishing work that we started yesterday, and then busted out the MikeyJ-2000 dimpler for some dimpling of the bottom skin, floor pans (#30), and fwd fuse ribs in a couple spots that hadn't yet been done. Then, using the hand squeezer we finished dimpling all the smaller bits like the floor ribs. We're at the point now where we can finish up the firewall subassembly and begin putting the fwd fuselage together at the same time.

Hopefully over lunch tomorrow I'll be able to sneak in a quick priming session and then we'll be ready to kick off this 3-day holiday weekend with some serious riveting. Exciting times, stay tuned!