
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Fwd Fuse Ribs - Fwd Bottom Skin

Major deburring session tonight, making Van's wishes a reality as set forth in Section 28 page 10. I deburred and countersunk holes while Sarah was on edge-finishing detail. I got through just about all holes in all parts, and she got through maybe about half the parts' edges. That's not because I'm faster than Sarah, by the way... her job just takes longer! The only thing we're holding off on for the time being is the three brackets that go in the tunnel for the fuel filter, pump, and flow meter just in case we put those items elsewhere. At this point I'm thinking we might do two individual filters (one for each tank) and put them under the seats. We'll see... these are details that can be delayed for quite a long time, and we can still go back to the original design at any point since these areas will always be accessible.

Other than that, no visible progress so it's another photo-less day. Next time, if we're lucky and get to the priming stage, we might finally snap a photo or two to share!