
Thursday, June 4, 2015

Rear Seat Ribs

Flipped the page to the next portion of this section, the rear seat ribs! This part consists of twelve ribs that go aft of the rear spar bulkhead and are directly under the rear seat. Time to get the rear spar bulkhead out and start clecoing/match drilling!

The Rear Spar Bulkhead assembly with Rear Seat Ribs clecoed together

The process starts with separating/making four seat belt attach points that go on four of the 12 ribs, otherwise it's a really simple and straightforward process of drilling and deburring. After a quick visit with the deburring tool, a file, and the scotchbrite ball, it was ready for primer! A quick and easy priming session closed the night out, tomorrow we should be ready to assemble the ribs to the bulkhead!