
Monday, May 25, 2015

Flaps - Ailerons Complete!

Happy Memorial Day! Today was a work holiday for me, but unfortunately Sarah had to go to work at the airport. So, in an unprecedented and incredibly bold move, I decided to break out the proseal myself and do a round of it solo. All things considered, it actually went pretty well, and somehow I didn't make a giant mess. Sarah would be proud.

I started the solo proseal adventure by gooping up both flap trailing edges and clecoing the assemblies together. I had just enough remaining to attempt to patch up the part of the L fuel tank that appears to be the only place that had a leak. We'll have to let all this cure and retest.

Next, it was time to rivet the aileron trailing edges together, that had been setting up since Saturday. That also went pretty uneventfully, and in short order both ailerons were complete! Yay, something we can check off the "partially complete" list as now "done"!

Not much else to report today, and tomorrow we'll be going to a fly-in BBQ at KIIB. Hoping to get the flaps and fuel tanks completely done sometime this week, then it's on to the fuselage!