
Saturday, May 16, 2015


Not a ton of progress today, this morning we had a Young Eagles event at the Marion Airport which I was scheduled to fly at (my first time doing so), but the weather had other plans for us with a low ceiling that lingered longer than was forecast. Postponed to 5/30 now. Then we were off to two back-to-back graduation parties, so by the time we were home we weren't exactly at 100% energy levels to get to building.

Still, it was actually a perfect opportunity to sit down in a chair and whittle away at the 22 flap ribs that needed to have their aft-most upper tabs removed. I did all 11 of the L ribs using aviation snips, but the R ribs needed a good set of left-handed snips, apparently my cheapo Harbor Freight set wasn't up for the task. I ended up getting creative with the dremel tool to cut them off, and then finished all 22 of them with the dremel and a sanding drum to clean up all the edges.

The aft end of a L and R flap rib with the tabs removed. This allows access to the lower tab for dimpling.

Sometimes you have to wonder, why didn't they just make the part this way at the factory and save me an hour or two of uber-boring and tedious work? It's all part of the experience, I suppose, and we'll all come out stronger in the end because of it :-)

Once the ribs were done, they could be clecoed on to the spars and be ready to accept the skins. I started on this but decided tomorrow would be a better time to finish the job. Nothing planned tomorrow except building, so should be a pretty productive day!