
Thursday, April 30, 2015


Deburred the L wing ribs for bottom skins, and all four bottom skin wing box stiffeners. This EZ-Burr makes things about as simple as possible... still, a thousand holes is a thousand holes, and it still takes some time. It definitely isn't exactly an edge-of-your-seat kind of activity. Good news is, the ribs and stiffeners are all done now, just need to do the skins themselves.

Once that was done, we shifted back to reviewing everything left to do on the tanks. We realized we still had to attach nutplates to the Zee attach brackets. There are a total of 36 nutplates that need to be installed, which is a perfect task to bring into the living room and do while you're watching TV and sipping a tasty beverage. So, that's what we did, and where we left off for the day. Still looking like Saturday will be a good time for baffle installation... stay tuned!!