
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Fuel Tanks/Wings

No proseal today either... but I did take care of a few to-do items that I hadn't gotten around to yet. Attached all the nutplates for the fuel level sensors and tank access plates, as well as fabricated 12 small covers for the 12 small holes in the tank end ribs that the factory uses as guide holes when forming the ribs. The plans call out to do this on page 18-5 step 6. I also trial-fitted my homemade capacitance probes in the tank. They seem to fit well using three nylon screws and washers. I'll make a post about this soon, since it's a whole side-project in itself.

Other than that, did some get-ahead work starting on section 20 for the bottom wing skins. This involved mostly staring at the left wing bays and thinking about where the pitot tube was going to mount. Then I clecoed the gap fairings into place, just in case I wake up in the middle of the night and feel like match-drilling, I guess.

L gap fairing clecoed into place, inboard side

L gap fairing clecoed into place, outboard side

Stay tuned for more tank/bottom skin fun!