
Thursday, March 19, 2015


In a burst of motivation, we got all the way through the R wing top skin rivets that could be back-riveted! This excludes rivets along the front and rear spars, as well as the aft 3 rivets on each rib, since the rivet set doesn't sit straight on the rivets. We can either buy a double-offset back-rivet set, or just buck them normally. I think we'll just do that, unless it turns out to not work very well. So far the top skins are coming out pretty darn straight, I'd like to keep it that way if we can! We're bound to ding some part at some time though, I'm sure :-)

"Most" R top skin rivets complete! Sarah is happy :-)

R top skin, inboard looking out

Now we'll have to finish those hard-to-get rivets with a bucking bar and get going on the L wing... the end is in sight!