
Monday, March 31, 2014

Rudder Complete!

What a surge of motivation yesterday when we got to see a real, flying RV-10 and speak to its builder for hours! We were able to make quick work of the trailing and leading edges of the rudder, letting us check this box off just one day after checking off the HS!

Rolling the leading edge skin with duct tape and some 1.25" PVC pipe

Sarah setting the pop rivets into the leading edge... it was a little tricky applying just the right pressure to not have the ends of the skin bow either in or out.

The trailing edge after riveting: we used the same technique as on the trim tab, and I'm very pleased with the results!

The rudder with the trim tab installed: the rivet pattern matches up, and everything looks very straight!

Only two parts remain in the empennage: the elevator and the tailcone! We're both so pleased and excited with the progress we've made so far, but there is LOTS more to do... stay tuned for tomorrow, when we'll begin on the elevator!